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USS Seal SS 183

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USS Seal SS 183 proceeding up the Thames River on her delivery run from the builders at Electric Boat Company to the Navy at the Submarine Base New London in April 1937. The US Coast Guard Academy can be seen on the hill on the far side of the river.

Photo From The Private Collection of Ric Hedman

USS Seal SS 183

USS Seal SS 183 seen after her delivery by Electric Boat to the Navy at Submarine Base New London April of 1937. Civilian officals from Electric Boat can be seen standing on the deck and on the after bridge area.

US Navy Photo

USS Seal SS 183
USS Seal SS 183

San Diego, 1940

Moored alongside USS Holland (AS-3), from which the photograph was taken, the submarines are(from left to right): Salmon (SS-182); Seal (SS-183), Pickerel (SS-177), Plunger (SS-179), Snapper (SS-185) and Permit (SS-178). Aircraft Carrier in background is the USS Enterprise.

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While conducting her 5th war patrol on November 16, 1942, under the command of Lt Commander Kenneth C Hurd, the seal had a "bad moment" and was run down by a Japanese merchant ship. Seal survived but it is unknown if the Japanese ship sank. She was at the lest badly damaged. According to her war report, "...quantities of uncooked rice and beans, unlike those used on the submarine, were found between the wooden deck pieces of the cigarette deck, on the bridge, and caught in the bathythermograph. The periscope shears yielded "...a good sample of Japanese bottom paint." "

Her War Damage Report Summery reads: "While at 61 foot depth and only twelve seconds after firing torpedoes at a Japanese freighter, Seal was run down by a second Japanese cargo ship which passed directly overhead and damaged the periscopes, radar, and their supporting shears. Boat rose from 61 feet to 55 feet due to suction effect and hung there for nearly a minute before starting down. No. 2 periscope, which was fully extended, was bent nearly horizontal at top of shears. SD radar mast was also bent over in same direction. No. 1 periscope could not be operated due to misalignment of upper bearings. No. 2 periscope housing was broken off level with top of housing for No. 1 periscope. No other damage occurred. Patrol was terminated."

With this event the Japanese knew the submarine was there and began a search and as the Seal leveled off at 250 feet depth charges began dropping from the escort ships. Soon breaking up noises were heard but if from the damaged cargo ship sinking is unknown. After four hours at depth and things quieting down, the Japanese perhaps thinking the Seal sunk from the collision, the Seal surfaced and departed the area and began assessing her damages. After the wars end it was reported that the torpedoes fired just before the collision resulted in; "...confirmed the sinking of the 3,500-ton freighter BOSTON MARU by an American submarine on that date in that location."

Sub Vets Of WW II Photo

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A photo taken in the ward room of the USS Seal SS 183. The date of the photo is not known for certain but it can be place between 1943 and mid 1944. The man in the middle is the Seal Commanding Officer, Lt.Commander Harry B. Dodge along with other unidentified officers from the Seal. Dodge is sitting in the Captains chair which was located at the aft end of the ward room table. The most senior officers sat near the Captain and least senior sat at the opposite or forward end of the table.

The cabinetry behind Dodge held, as seen, books of all kinds from recreational to technical books. The cabinet below had drawers that held charts and much of the ward room silver service and dishes and serving plates and bowls. A large fan can be seen above Dodges' head

The photo was taken after a meal had been served and before the Steward had cleared away the dirty dishes. An ashtray can be seen next to Dodges right hand. The man to the right of Dodge could possibly be the Seals' Executive Officer, Lt. Robert Duryea. He is sitting in the seat usually occupied by a ships Executive Officer. Especially if this photo was taken right after a meal the officers would be sitting in their allocated seating and he is wearing Lieutenants Bars.

Following Navy protocol, the officer to Dodges left would be the Engineering Officer and the man closest to the camera on Dodges right would be the Operation/Navigation Officer. The man barely seen at the far right of the photo would probably be the Weapons Officer. Photo could possibly be taken by the Supply Officer as it is taken from a seated position. Supply Officers were the least senior of officers and sat at the far end opposite the Captain. It possibly could have been taken by a Steward.

Sub Vets Of WW II Photo

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USS Seal SS 183 most likely in Boston, Mass circa November 1945 proir to her decommissioning. She is open to the public. She is flying her "kill flags" from the after periscope lookout railing. There are visitors entering the sub via the forward escape trunk access.

US Navy Photo

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USS Seal SS 183 most likely in Boston, Mass circa November 1945 proir to her decommissioning. She is open to the public. She is flying her "kill flags" from the after periscope lookout railing. Her war record is also painted on the sides of her conning tower fairwater. Visitors on the fore aft cigarette decks are playing with the 20MM guns. A Black crewman is standing by the side of the conning tower fairwater.

US Navy Photo

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Ric Hedman
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