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USS Sculpin SS 191
USS Sculpin SS 191

Sculpin at anchor while participating in the Squalus Salvage operation.
Photo stamped on back June 22, 1939.

NOT a US Navy Photo.

While on her initial shakedown cruise on 23 May 1939, the diesel-powered submarine was diverted to search for the sunken submarine SQUALUS (SS-192). Sighting a red smoke bomb and a buoy from the sunken submarine, she established communications, first by phone and then by signals tapped in Morse code on the hull. It was determined that SQUALUS was resting on the bottom in 40 fathoms of water, with both engine rooms flooded. SCULPIN stood by while submarine rescue vessel FALCON (ASR-2) rescued the survivors, and rendered further assistance by familiarizing the divers with the configuration of her sister ship. SCULPIN aided in the salvage of the sunken vessel by sounding out the approaches to Portsmouth Harbor and preparing supplementary charts of the area where SQUALUS was refloated.

From the “Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships,”
(1976) Vol. 6, pp.392-393.

USS Sculpin SS 191

Sculpin at anchor while participating in the Squalus Salvage operation.
Photo stamped on back June 22, 1939.
Ship at the left of image is most likely the Falcon (ASR-2).
NOT a US Navy Photo.

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Nice newspaper Wire photo of the Sculpin as she stands by during the salvage of the Squalus. Yard workers and officials as well as crew can be seen aboard. One officer has a megaphone in his hand for talking to who ever is on the boat from which the photo is taken.

A great profile close-up of the conning tower bridge set up. The "portholes" allow men on the weather deck to see out while keeping them out of the nastiest of weather. There is a steering station for use in this location as well. Several men can be seen on the open bridge as well. Further aft a lookout station can be seen and on the back of the fairwater is the Sculpin's bell.

The Sculpin was serving as flagship for Rear Admiral Cyrus Willard Cole, commander of the salvage operations and his flag can be seen flying at the top of the photo. It is a possibility at Adm Cole is one of the two officers seen on the deck.

Newspaper Wire Photo in the collection of Ric Hedman ~ Not A US Navy Photo

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Close up detail of the photo above. Above the access door into the conning tower superstructure there appears to have been a large light mounted. The mix of crew and civilians can be seen on the deck.

Newspaper Wire Photo in the collection of Ric Hedman ~ Not A US Navy Photo

USS Sculpin SS 191
USS Sculpin SS 191

USS Sculpin SS 191 May 1, 1943
USS Sculpin SS 191 May 1, 1943 San Francisco.

USS Sculpin SS 191 May 1, 1943
USS Sculpin SS 191 May 1, 1943 with the
Golden Gate Bridge in background.

USS Sculpin crew, March 7, 1943
USS Sculpin SS 191 Crew taken March 7, 1943.
The men are from left to right, (Front Row)
Carlos Tulea, 29, OS2c (officers steward) of Cavite, P.I.;
Lt Corwin G. Mendenhall, USN, 26, of Anehuac, Texas;
Weldon E. Moore, Chief Signalman, 34, of Colorado Springs. Colorado;
Lt. John H. Turner, USN, 29.
(Back Row) John J. Pepersack, Chief Electrician, 42 of Baltimore, MD
A. W. Coulter, QM3/c, 20, of St. Louis, MO
K. E. Waidelich, SM3c, 21, of Jackson, Michigan
Charlie Coleman, MoMM2c, 24, Philadelphia, PA
John Barlow Swift, EM1c, 25, of Newfane, NY
John J. Hollenbach, MM1c, 27 of Brookville, ID
Ralph S. Austin, MM2c, 21, of Springtown, TX
F. J. Dyboske, CEM, 33, of Rockford, IL
C. A. De Armond, MM1c, 30, 0f Denver CO
(names in red mean they went down with Sculpin when she sank November 19, 1943)
(There was one more name given than people in photo but I'm leaving it in
rather than pull a wrong name from the list)

Lt. Commander Lucius H Chappell Sculpin CO 1943
USS Sculpin SS 191 Commanding Officer Lt. Commander Lucius H Chappell.

LCdr Chappell was Sculpin CO for her first 8 war patrols.
LCdr Chappell turned over command to Cdr Fred Connaway for
her 9th war patrol. Sculpin was lost on that patrol.

Photo courtesy of Randy Chappell, son of Lt. Commander Lucius H Chappell
Lt. Commander Lucius H Chappell with the Sculpin Battleflag 1943
Lt. Commander Lucius H Chappell with the Sculpin Battleflag 1943
LCdr Chappell was Sculpin CO for her first 8 war patrols.
He was presented with the Sculpin battle flag when he left the sub.

Photo courtesy of Randy Chappell, son of Lt. Commander Lucius H Chappell

Lt. Commander Lucius H Chappell with the Sculpin Battleflag 1943
Sculpin Battleflag presented to LCdr Chappell upon leaving the Sub in 1943
Photo taken November 5, 2005.

Photo courtesy of Randy Chappell, son of Lt. Commander Lucius H Chappell
USS Sculpin SS 191 at Mare Island Shipyard
USS Sculpin SS 191 at Mare Island Shipyard 1943
List of modifications is on left side of picture:
1.3" AA Gun Moved Fwd; 2.20mm AA Gun; 3. Ready Service Box;
4.Plates Removed; 5.Fairwater Altered; 6.Venturi Shield; (no #7);
8.Radio Antenna; 9.Underwater Loop Antenna; 10.SD Radar mast.
You can still see the welded outline of the hull numbers on the side of the conning tower.

USS Sculpin SS 191 at Mare Island Shipyard
USS Sculpin SS 191 at Mare Island Shipyard 1943.
List of modifications:
1.3" AA Moved For'd; 2.20mm AA Gun; 3.Ready service Box;
6.Venturi Shield; 7.Railing Altered; 8.Radio Antenna;
9.Underwater Loop Antenna; 10.SD Radar Mast; 11.SJ Radar Mast.

USS Sculpin SS 191 at Mare Island Shipyard
USS Sculpin SS 191 at Mare Island Shipyard 1943.
List of Modifications:
2.20mm AA Gun; 3.Ready Box; 4.Plates Removed; 7.Railing Altered;
8.Radio Antenna; 9.Underwater Loop Antenna; 10.SD Radar Mast; 11.SJ Radar Mast
USS Sculpin SS 191 standing by at her sistership
USS Sculpin SS 191 standing by at her sistership,
USS Squalus SS 192, salvage efforts. 1939
USS Sculpin SS 191
USS Sculpin SS 191 during Squalus rescue.

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Mountlake Terrace, WA
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