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The B-Boats

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All 3 of the B-Class submarines.
Left to Right, USS Tarantula, USS Viper and USS Cuttlefish.
Unknown and unidentified class of submarine in the background.

From the Private collection of Ric Hedman
Photo Not In Public Domain.

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This photo came in a collection of B class submarine images.
As per the notations on the back the men are L to R are:

Lieutenant Donald C. "Bingie" Bingham of the Viper- Flotilla Commander
Lieutenant Edward J. G. Marquart of the Cuttlefish - detached
Lieutenant Joseph F. Daniels of the Tarantula.

From the Private collection of Ric Hedman Photo Not In Public Domain.

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The USS Viper (B-1) and the USS Cuttlefish (B-2) sailing in formation in review. Location is believed to be the "Hudson-Fulton Celebration" held on the Hudson River from September 25 to October 9, 1909.

In New York and New Jersey it was an elaborate commemoration of the 300th anniversary of Henry Hudson's discovery of the Hudson River and the 100th anniversary of Robert Fulton's first successful commercial application of the paddle steamer.

There is no information as to the exact location of the photo but the day is sunny and the ships are dressed with flags and bunting. The large ships are crowded with spectators.

Dutch flag is hoisted to the top of the periscopes. Henry Hudson was employed by the Dutch East India Company at the time he discovered and explored the river named for him.

Photo In The Private Collection Of Ric Hedman

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The USS Tarantula (B-3) parading during the "Hudson-Fulton Celebration" held on the Hudson River from September 25 to October 9, 1909.

In New York and New Jersey it was an elaborate commemoration of the 300th anniversary of Henry Hudson's discovery of the Hudson River and the 100th anniversary of Robert Fulton's first successful commercial application of the paddle steamer.

There is no information as to the exact location of the photo but the day is sunny and the ships are dressed with flags and bunting. The large ships are crowded with spectators.

The Dutch flag is hoisted to the top of the periscope. Henry Hudson was employed by the Dutch East India Company at the time he discovered and explored the river named for him.

Photo In The Private Collection Of Ric Hedman


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In this photo only a number of things are known for certain the rest can only be speculated on. The USS Viper (B-1) was commissioned October 18, 1907 with Lieutenant Donald Cameron Bingham in command. On November 17, 1911 her name was changed from Viper to B-1. The submarine has the name Viper clearly painted on the hull. From the pigstick atop her periscope is the vessels Commissioning Pennant along with another flag, probably a squadron flag. These are the time frames that bracket this photo. To narrow it down still further, it is winter and cold enough to have the river or bay awash with hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of chunks of ice covering its surface.

So we can also assume it is either winter 1907/08, (winter 1908/09 she has been placed in reserve and out of commission at Charleston). Recommissioned April 15, 1910, winter 1909/10 and winter 1910/11 are also time frames this image could have been snapped.

Submarine historian David Johnston thinks that the photo was taken at or near the Brooklyn (New York) Navy Yard just prior to a dry dock period that all three B-boats had in January, 1908. If it was after dry docking the waterline would appear cleaner and crisper.

The submarine has much of the look of the paint jobs given to the vessels around the time of their commissioning with darker colors, (black), and a light, (white), boot-top. On the foremast are the submarines red and green running lights attached to their reflector boards. These boards are to limit the direction that the lights can be seen from. Above them, is the anchor light higher on the mast. This is a white light and used when at anchor to note it position to other vessels. All these lights and the mast, are portable and are removed and sent below when the submarine is going to dive. Stanchions and a lifeline surround the small walking deck that submarine inventor John Holland so detested, ("...for officers to strut on...", he said). These, too, were sent below when diving.

Photo In The Private Collection Of Ric Hedman

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The Viper is moored to a high pier, that is evident by the boarding plank stretched between the pier and the top of the bridge access fairwater. A civilian is standing midspan talking with an officer, (Captain Bingham?), about something. The civilian looks to be carrying a briefcase of some sort in his left hand. The officer is gesturing towards the camera and down about something, maybe in the water. The officer is wearing a wool Naval Academy Great Coat and white, (wool?), gloves. Seen just behind the officers legs is the tall Engine Room ventilator.

The top of the bridge is surrounded by weather cloths to protect the crew, (duty officer and helmsman), from spray and wind. Just forward of these cloths is ventilator used to bring or exhaust air from inside the submarine. Its opening is pointing to the subs port side. These, along with all the above mentioned items, are also sent below before diving. Pressure of moving though the water would restrict the vessels movements, reduce its speed and probably destroy canvases.

There appears to be a fairly stiff wind blowing by the looks of all the flags and that wind seems to be coming from the subs after port quarter. The flag is a thirteen star Naval Ensign. As related by flag historian Jeff Bridgman..."It wasn't until 1916, however, that President Woodrow Wilson wrote an executive order that terminated their use entirely in favor of 48 star flags. But even this did not completely put an end to it. According to at least one flag historian, Wilson's order was not immediately accepted on all navy ships. Old habits die hard..." The flag being flown seems to be of an older design that was flown between 1890 and 1900 with the rows of 3 stars with points pointing up and the rows with two stars with the points pointing down.

The wind chill factor must make the temperatures must feel like they are in the upper 20's down into the teens or lower.

Photo In The Private Collection Of Ric Hedman

In the left background, under the gangway and just sticking out from behind the floating shack, is the bow of another "B" class submarine. Draft makings like the ones on the bow of the Viper resemble each other. Its periscope can be seen sticking up at the left edge of the shack with a pennant flying from its top. Identity unknown at this time. Thanks to submarine historian David Johnston for pointing out this important piece of information for us.

Photo In The Private Collection Of Ric Hedman

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We have another clue but the identity of that clue is unknown, at this point, that is the sleek steam yacht, with its raked masts and funnel, seen in the background. If we knew what vessel this was and where it was at we could pin down the year/s and location with more certainty.

Further evidence is the presence of the large 100 ton derrick seen over the top everything at the right side in the background of the photo that resided at the New York Navy Yard and is in evidence in other photos taken at this location and time period.

Photo In The Private Collection Of Ric Hedman

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"Philadelphia, Oct. 25 . ~ The United States submarine Viper is aground inside Cape Henlopen, near the Delaware Breakwater. The boat is reported to be resting easy, but her position is dangerous and there are fears for her safety.

"The life saving crew from Lewes, Del., is standing by and making every effort to drag the vessel off the shoal."

Thus reads the newspaper story about this incident shown in the photo above.

The image shows the Viper, later to be renamed B-1, laying aground with the submarine tender USS Castine and the Delaware Breakwater behind her. Cape Henlopen is at the mouth of the Delaware River and just across from Cape May, New Jersey where the Navy use to have a submarine base.

The day before, October 23, 1909, the Castine, the Tarantula, the Viper and the Plunger had left from Tompkinsville on Staten Island, NY for Charleston, SC.

As best as can be deduced from the newspaper accounts is the submarines Viper and the Cuttlefish and Plunger and their tender, USS Castine, had come to anchor for the night in the shelter of Cape Henlopen and the Delaware Breakwater. During the night Vipers' anchor had dragged and the submarine had gone aground. The Cape is actually off camera to the right.

Just above the after deck of the USS Castine, behind the submarine, can be seen the breakwater's "East End Lighthouse". To the left and aft of the Castine is the rest of the breakwater, as it was built in 1909, and can be seen with the breakwater's "West End Lighthouse" in place. Today the breakwater has been extended and this lighthouse is gone. The ship on the right is not identified.


Only the year before, February 19, 1908, the Viper had run aground in a snow storm off Thomas Point south of Annapolis, Maryland at the mouth of the South River. Her tender, the converted yacht Hist, was also aground, in the same snow storm, near Cove Point, Chesapeake Bay some miles to the south. Both vessels were stranded by lower tides than the day before when they grounded. Hist was escorting a number of submarines, Viper being one of them. Viper proceeded ahead, perhaps to get help, and the remaining submarines, the Cuttlefish and Tarantula, stayed by the Hist.

Photo In The Private Collection Of Ric Hedman
Thanks To The United States Lighthouse Society for Identification Assistance.

USS Viper (B-1) SS 10
USS Viper (B-1) SS 10

Torpedoroom USS B-1
Torpedoroom USS B-1

Crew muster

USS Viper, Submarine No 10, later renamed B-1 attached to submarine April 15, 1910

Rall W. F. - Enlisted Man - age 27- Born; New York
Sylvester H. - Enlisted Man - age 26 - Born; Oregon
Kirkhacket R. W. - Enlisted Man - age 25 - Born; Illinois
Johnston F. A. - Enlisted Man - age 21 - Born; Pennsylvania
Barto D. B. - Enlisted Man - age 28 - Born; Delaware
Regan J. A. - Enlisted Man - age 24 - Born; Ohio
Doom R. W. - Enlisted Man - age 36 - Born; Ohio
Poncet J. L. - Enlisted Man - age 20 - Born; Louisiana
Noltny C. F. - Enlisted Man - age 30 - Born; Missouri
Cole C. D. - Enlisted Man - age 30 - Born; Massachusetts
Romulus G. J. - Enlisted Man - age 34 - Born; Massachusetts
Boyan J. - Enlisted Man - age 26 - Born; New Jersey

Thank you to Linda Talbott of the US GenWeb Census Project ® for providing this information.

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USS Hector (Collier No.7). This photo is taken mid April 1915 in Cavite Harbor, Philippines. The Hector had left the US in March 1915 with the submarine boats USS A-3, (center); USS A-5, (front) and the USS B-1, (rear) as deck cargo for transport to the Philippines since the craft were too small to make the trip on their own. Note that the B-1 has both its periscopes still installed where the "A" boats had been removed for transit.

In preparation for the trip the batteries had been removed as well as the propellers and the stern planes; all to lighten the weight of these vessels for transport as deck cargo.

The view above is from the port side of the Hector. Launching skids have been constructed for launching the little submarines over the side. Hectors bow is to the left in this photo.

US Navy Photo

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Photo taken from on deck of the USS Hector showing the final preparations for the launching of the USS B-1. Date is April 15, 1915.

In this photo it is quite clear that this larger vessel needed three launch ramps compared to the two used by the smaller "A" boats. These smaller submarines have already been launched as the deck to the left in the photo is empty.

Several other things to notice are the lack of rudders, stern planes and the propeller. All items removed to make the submarine lighter to transport and also to prevent damage to them during the launch which consisted of literally throwing them off the ship into the water.

There is an assortment of personnel seen working on the vessel. The men in broad hats are probably Filipino contractors where as the sailors pretty much look like sailors. At the top of the submarines periscopes is a large American Flag. Keep your eye on this flag in the next photo.

Photo From The Private Collection Of Ric Hedman

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April 15, 1915, USS B-1 goes over the side with a large crowd of Navy and Filipinos watching. The ramps have been tipped up and the little submarine becomes airborne, probably one of the few times a submarine will ever "fly".

The view is of the Starboard side of the Collier, USS Hector, view is looking forward. At the top of the periscopes the American Flag is now flying out stiffly horizontal to the left in the photo showing the speed in which the craft is moving.

US Navy Photo


USS B-2 (Cuttlefish) launch 9/01/1906
USS B-2 (Cuttlefish) launch 9/01/1906

USS B-2 (Cuttlefish)
USS Cuttlefish, (B-2) SS 11 In dry dock getting her bottom cleaned and painted.

USS Cuttlefish, (B-2)
USS Cuttlefish, (B-2) SS 11

USS Cuttlefish on builders trials
USS Cuttlefish on builders trials, Newport R.I.

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What we have here is a partial crew photo of the USS Cuttlefish, later to become the USS B-2 when submarines were renamed in 1911. The photo is dated between 1907 and 1911 but based on the paint job and the markings on the Bow mast I would venture this is closer to the 1907 commissioning than the later date. See photo above taken on builders trials.

Two Chief Petty officers are at the left. One a "Right Arm Rate" Probably a Gunners Mate. Further makings on his right sleeve are most likely a Torpedo, (lower), and above that an Ordinance bomb. The Rate of Torpedoman had not been created at the time this photo was taken. The Torpedoman Rate was created in 1921 as an Right Arm Rate. All Ratings were moved to the Left Arm on April 2, 1949.

The other Chief is a "Left Arm Rate" most likely something like a Motor Machinist Mate or Electricians Mate and dealing with the Engines or Batteries. Most crew at this time were either Gunners Mates, Machinist Mates or Electricians.

The other men are a mixture of "Trades" for the various operations that make the submarine work. There are probably about 4 men missing from the photo, one being the Commanding Officer. A normal crew compliment was 11 or 12 men.

On deck is a short "mast" with makings showing how far the submarine was under water while diving or surfacing. Directly behind and above the second man from he right is the submarines periscope and shears that stabilize the periscope under water.

The vessel in the background is unidentifiable.

Copy of Photo in the Collection of Ric Hedman

Crew muster

USS Cuttlefish, Submarine No 11, later renamed B-2 attached to submarine April 15, 1910

Lesher Frank B. - Captain - age 25 - Born; Pennsylvania
Johnson Michael A. - Enlisted Man - age 28 - Born; Rhode Island
Witcomb Harris A. - Enlisted Man - age 29 - Born; New Hampshire
Kirstof John - Enlisted Man - age 23 - Born; Missouri
Pearson Karl - Enlisted Man - age 33 - Born; Sweden
Meeks John R. - Enlisted Manr - age 27 - Born; Ohio
Hayes Spencer W. - Enlisted Man - age 23 - Born; Pennsylvania
Sarre John V. - Enlisted Man - age 26 - Born; Canada
Morris Edward E. - Enlisted Man - age 32 - Born; Connecticut
Stone Leland - Enlisted Man - age 28 - Born; Maine
Kelly Dan - Enlisted Man - age 28 - Born; Massachusetts
Sohn Robert L. - Enlisted Man - age 26 - Born; Tennessee

Thank you to Linda Talbott of the US GenWeb Census Project ® for providing this information.


USS Tarantula (B-3) SS 12
USS Tarantula ( B-3 ) SS 12

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USS Tarantula crew posing for a photo op.
Caption from the scrapbook is "The little submarines with the funny noses"
Commanding officer is Lt. D. A. Weaver.
The black dots are inkspots on the photo face.

From the Private collection of Ric Hedman
Photo Not In Public Domain.

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USS Tarantula crew posing for a photo op.
Caption from the scrapbook is "The little submarines with the funny noses"
Commanding officer is Lt. D. A. Weaver.
The black dots are inkspots on the photo face.

From the Private collection of Ric Hedman
Photo Not In Public Domain.

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The above photo is of the submarine USS B-2, (ex-Cuttlefish), hitting the water in Manila Bay on May 12, 1913. She was being launched from the deck of the Collier USS Ajax which had carried the B-2 and the B-3, (ex-Tarantula), to Manila from Norfolk, Virginia.

The vessels sailed from Norfolk on Thursday, March 27th to clear skies but had to weather a gale in Lynnhaven Bay, Virginia a short time later. From there they crossed the Atlantic and had a scheduled port of call in Algiers before passing through the Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Canal. The ship with submarines arrived in Manila Bay on Wednesday, April 30, 1913. It took twelve days to ready the ship and submarines for launching.

Since there were no large dockside cranes, like in Norfolk, in Manila the launching necessitated that the railings of the Ajax be cut away and the building of sloping cradles of 15 to 20 feet in length under the submarines. It was decided in order to maintain the equilibrium of the Ajax that both submarines would be launched at the same time. So, in looking at this photo you have to imagine a similar scene being enacted on the port side of the ship as the B-3 also hits the water.

The event drew a large spectator crowd and ships and local small craft were present in large numbers. Both vessels in this photo seem to be carrying a large number of Naval personnel to watch the unusual event.

Once the submarines were launched the Ajax carried out her other duties as soon as the needed repairs to the decks and railings had been performed. Besides the cargo of submarines on deck, her holds were full of coal and she commenced coaling ships of the Asiatic Fleet. She had also changed home port and Manila became her new home.

US Navy Photo Provided by Senior Chief Don

These three newspaper photos show the pre-launch, launch and post launch of the B-2. The two small craft seen in the large photo are also visible in the smaller photos. To illustrate how slowly news still traveled in 1913 the submarines were launched in May. The Christian Science Monitor in Boston published this news story at the end of October 1913 with these photos.

Newspaper Photos From The Christian Science Monitor

USS Tarantula ( B-3 ) SS 12 Crew Photo
USS B-3 (Tarantula) Crew on deck for a photo.
Possibily a re-commissioning photo taken at Cavite Navy Yard, Philippine Islands. circa Sept. 2, 1913
If you look to the left of the periscopes of the B-3 you can see another set of periscopes. Most likely the B-2 which had been re-commissioned in Aug, 1913. The B-2 & B-3 had traveled to the Philippines as deck cargo aboard the transport Ajax(AC-15) being unable to travel there on their own.

Thanks to Rick Larson MMCM (SS) ret. for the photo.

USS Tarantula ( B-3 ) SS 12 Crew Photo
USS B-3 (Tarantula) Crew on deck for a photo.
Possibily a re-commissioning photo taken at Cavite Navy Yard, Philippine Islands. circa Sept. 2, 1913

Thanks to Rick Larson MMCM (SS) ret. for the photo.

Crew muster

USS Tarantula, Submarine No 12, later renamed B-3 attached to submarine April 15, 1910
Data is incomplete due to lost or missing records.
Rotherwell M. L. - Enlisted Man - age 25 - Born; New York
Fredericks H. W. - Enlisted Man - age 20 - Born; Kentucky
Dunn C. B. - Enlisted Man - age 25 - Born; New York
Ballard M. - Enlisted Man - age 38 - Born; Russia
Stine C. E. - Enlisted Man - age 36 - Born; Sweden
Anderson A. W. - Enlisted Man - age 20 - Born; New Jersey

Thank you to Linda Talbott of the US GenWeb Census Project ® for providing this information.

USS Tarantula SS 12
USS Tarantula SS 12.
Photo appears to be taken at the same time as the photo above.

USS Tarantula crew on deck
USS Tarantula crew on deck

Stern of a B class submarine
Stern of a "B" class submarine

Length 82' 3"
Beam 12' 6"
Disp. Sur. 145 tons
Disp. Sub. 173 tons
Test Depth 150'
Crew 10
Armament 2 18" Torp Tube

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