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USS Tuna SS 203
USS Tuna SS 203
USS Tuna SS 203 picture taken in San Francisco Bay March 10, 1941

USS Tuna SS 203 crew
USS Tuna SS 203 crew photo taken at Hunters Point, San Francisco, Ca 1943 just before deployment to the Pacific.
Front row ninth man from left is Elbert H. Hill.
Photo supplied by crew member Elbert H. Hill

USS Tuna SS 203 crew
Officers of the USS Tuna SS 203. Photo taken at Hunters Point, San Francisco, Ca
1943 just before deployment to the Pacific.
Photo supplied by crew member Elbert H. Hill

USS Tuna SS 203 crew
Chief Petty Officers and crew of the USS Tuna SS 203.
Second man from left in back row is HMC Jack Roy Storms.
Elbert H. Hill is in the front row last man on right.
Photo taken at Hunters Point, San Francisco, Ca
in 1943 just before deployment to the Pacific.

Photo supplied by crew member Elbert H. Hill.
Information on HMC Jack Roy Storms provided by Allen H. Storms.

USS Tuna SS 203 crew
Crew of the USS Tuna SS 203. Photo taken at Hunters Point,
San Francisco, Ca 1943 just before deployment to the Pacific.
Photo supplied by crew member Elbert H. Hill

USS Tuna SS 203 crew
Crew of the USS Tuna SS 203. Photo taken at Hunters Point,
San Francisco, Ca 1943 just before deployment to the Pacific.
Photo supplied by crew member Elbert H. Hill

USS Tuna SS 203 crew
Crew of the USS Tuna SS 203. Photo taken at Hunters Point,
San Francisco, Ca 1943 just before deployment to the Pacific.
Photo supplied by crew member Elbert H. Hill

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This photo was taken at Mare Island in the late fall of 1946 time frame. In the background is seen the recently mothballed submarines that helped win WW II. The photo is not distinct enough to make identifications of any specific submarines.

In the foreground are three submarines, two of which are slated for decommissioning on December 11, 1946. The submarines are, left to right; USS Dentuda SS 335, she will not decommission until 1967. The middle submarine is the USS Searaven, SS 196 and the sub on the right is the USS Tuna, SS 203.

All the submarines are still in commission, evident by the 48 star Union Jacks flying from the bows. The deck guns have been removed except for the 40mm on the front of the Dentuda conning tower fairwater.

If you look closely at the decks of the Searaven and Tuna just forward of the conning tower fairwaters the the boat shaped covers of the deck hatches used to store the ships boats. Pre WW II submarines carried two small craft used to ferry men and supplies to shore and other vessels. Once the war started these were considered not necessary and the boats were removed.

On the fore deck of the Tuna a emergency messenger buoy can be seen with the domed top just to the right of the Jack Staff. There is one on the deck of the Searaven also but it has a flat top and is harder to see. The one on the Dentuda is much easier to see.

Photo In The Collection Of Ric Hedman

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